Servidor de Consolas Seguro IOLAN SCG L
Gestión de Infraestructura Informática Dentro y Fuera de Banda con LTE
- 18, 34 o 50 Puertos de Administracion de Consola
- El diseño modular es compatible con las interfaces RS232/RS422/RS485 RJ45 y USB 3.0
- Integrated LTE for out of band access
- Doble Conexión a la Red con puertos Cobre RJ45 y SFP de fibra
- ZTP y El software de administración central PerleVIEW simplifica la configuración, la administración, el seguimiento y la solución de problemas
- Alojamiento en la nube -- Implemente y administre su red desde la nub
- Motor de enrutamiento avanzado con seguridad AAA y encriptación SSH/SSL para cumplir con todas las políticas de cumplimiento de los centros de datos
- Alimentación AC doble o 48vDC doble para tiempo de actividad con tolerancia a fallos
Los servidores de consola SCG L de Perle brindan a los administradores de centros de datos la solución definitiva para la administración de consola remota segura y redundante de cualquier dispositivo con un puerto de consola RJ45 o USB. Y, la nueva tarjeta IOLAN G16 RS-Multi, con 16 interfaces RJ45 RS232/422/485 seleccionables por software, permite a las organizaciones conectar una variedad de dispositivos basados en serie a Ethernet. El soporte LTE proporcionan múltiples métodos de acceso alternativos para administrar, mantener y solucionar problemas de dispositivos de red críticos, así como transmitir datos desde equipos de misión crítica a través de redes LTE y LAN inalámbricas. Con una plataforma de hardware modular expandible, firewall integrado, autenticación de dos factores, failover avanzado a múltiples redes y Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP), sus profesionales de TI y el personal del centro de operaciones de red (NOC) tendrán todo lo que necesitan para realizar operaciones remotas seguras fácilmente gestión del centro de datos y gestión fuera de banda de los activos de TI desde cualquier parte del mundo. Esta solución de rack de 1U rentable también mantiene la integridad del protocolo a través de Ethernet y agrega capacidades de enrutamiento IPv4 / IPv6 completas con soporte para protocolos RIP, OSPF y BGP.
Gestión de Consola para todos los activos Informáticos con Plataforma de Hardware Ampliable y Modular
El Servidor de Consolas IOLAN SCG L modular proporciona hasta 50 puertos de gestión de consola compatibles con las interfaces USB, RS232, RS422 y RS485. El diseño modular del IOLAN SCG permite al usuario cambiar, actualizar y ampliar a cualquier combinación de tarjetas de módulo de interfaz de 16 puertos para admitir todos tipos de puertos de admin. en una solución de gestión de consola.
Perle IOLAN SCG es la única solución del sector compatible con hasta 50 puertos USB 3.0 de alta densidad que sean compatibles con todas las soluciones USB de los fabricantes como routers, switches, cortafuegos y servidores Cisco (Solaris, Windows, Unix and Linux), PBX y equipos de almacenamiento de red y aparatos de seguridad.
El software de los puertos RS232 RJ45 es configurable para utilizar cables directos, cruzados o enrollados para conectar a su equipo Cisco. Adicionalmente, se puede configurar un código DCD para dispositivos terceros que requieran esta señal extra. Las interfaces RS232/422/485 seleccionables por software de IOLAN SCG simplifican la configuración y eliminan la manipulación mecánica asociada con los switches DIP. Esto significa que el Perle IOLAN SCG es compatible con más dispositivos de serie que cualquier otro servidor de consolas en el mercado.
Seguridad de red avanzada, autenticación y cifrado de datos
La autenticación de 2 factores (2FA) garantiza que el acceso a equipos y datos se limite a usuarios autorizados, mientras que la administración de autenticación remota (RADIUS, TACACS+ y LDAP) permite la integración con los sistemas de nivel empresarial para controlar el acceso a los dispositivos in situ.
El cortafuegos integrado ofrece políticas intuitivas para proteger redes internas contra cualquier acceso no autorizado. El cortafuegos también permite que las redes internas estén separadas entre sí. Si hay recursos de redes que tienen que estar disponibles para un usuario externo, como una web o un servidor FTP, estos recursos pueden colocarse en una red independiente detrás del cortafuegos en una zona delimitada (DMZ).
Las transmisiones de datos de red y el acceso a puertos de administración de consolas remotos en equipos de TI están protegidas mediante herramientas de cifrado estándar como Secure Shell (SSH) y Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL). Mediante el uso de tecnologías de cifrado, un Servidor de Consolas IOLAN SCG L protege datos sensibles y confidenciales antes de que se envíen a través de una Intranet corporativa o la Internet pública. Para la compatibilidad con los dispositivos de cifrado de pares, todos los principales códigos de cifrado como AES, 3DES, RC4, RC2 y CAST128 son totalmente compatibles.
Con múltiples sesiones de VPN concurrentes, OpenVPN e IPSec VPN, se ofrece una autenticación y una codificación seguras de los paquetes IP en la capa de red del modelo OSI. Esto es perfecto para la interoperación de múltiples proveedores dentro de una red, ofreciendo así flexibilidad y la posibilidad de ajustar la solución correcta para una aplicación en concreto.
Múltiples métodos de acceso fuera de banda (OOB)
Todos los servidores de consolas IOLAN SCG L incluyen dos métodos seguros de acceso remoto a dispositivos de red críticos.
- LTE integrado de alta velocidad con redes alternativas HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE y GPRS/GSM para proteger la gestión de infraestructura fuera de banda de su centro de datos y sucursal contra los fallos de las conexiones LAN con cable. También se puede utilizar para transmitir datos de serie o establecer una conexión de serie directa a peer de serie mediante redes celulares. Esto es ideal cuando los dispositivos están ubicados en lugares en los que no hay conexión a Ethernet por cable, pero sí a redes celulares con paquetes de datos asequibles.
- Cualquier combinación doble de los dos puertos de cobre 10/100/1000Base-T y dos puertos de fibra SFP 100/1000Base-X se puede utilizar para satisfacer sus requisitos de acceso a red únicos. Este diseño ofrece a los usuarios una solución flexible y rentable para transmitir datos desde equipo crítico de misión por redes Ethernet basadas en cobre o fibra. Al conectar a una red de fibra, los puertos SFP conectables permiten configuraciones de red flexibles mediante los transceptores ópticos SFP suministrados por Perle, Cisco u otros fabricantes de SFP en conformidad con MSA.
Acceso de alta disponibilidad
Para simplificar la gestión y responder rápidamente a los problemas, los administradores de red requieren acceso a todos los puertos de consola a través de una única vista de portal. La solución de administración centralizada basada en la nube de Perle coloca toda su red e infraestructura informática en una sola aplicación y ofrece acceso seguro y fiable y visibilidad durante las operaciones habituales y los fallos críticos de la red. Escalable para adaptarse a cualquier requisito empresarial, la Administración Centralizada de la Nube reduce los errores humanos y garantiza la repetibilidad.
El IOLAN SCG L también tiene capacidades integradas de tolerancia a fallas para garantizar un acceso seguro y confiable para administrar equipos importantes de misión crítica. La tecnología Redundant Path asegura la disponibilidad de los puertos de administración de la consola a través de los modos Active Standby o Dual Network Access. El protocolo de redundancia de enrutador virtual (VRRPv3) permite que un grupo de dispositivos forme un solo dispositivo virtual para proporcionar redundancia de red. La fuente de alimentación AC dual garantiza que la administración de la consola esté disponible incluso si falla la fuente de alimentación AC principal. Y la protección contra descargas electrostáticas y sobrecargas de energía se proporciona con circuitos de protección ESD de 15Kv robustos en cada puerto de la consola.
Ajuste fácil, Configuración y Pantalla y Teclado de Panel Frontal
El IOLAN SCG L es increíblemente fácil de configurar y poner en marcha en la red. La pantalla y el teclado del panel frontal permiten al usuario asignar una dirección IP directamente a través de la pantalla sin una conexión de PC directa. El resto de la unidad se puede configurar a continuación en la red utilizando una variedad de opciones de configurador que incluyen, PerleVIEW, WebManager, CLI, etc.
La pantalla del panel frontal también representa una manera práctica de supervisar y solucionar problemas de la actividad del puerto RS232, USB y Ethernet.
Para desarrollos a gran escala, se puede utilizar la ranura de tarjeta Micro SD para realizar una copia de seguridad y restaurar los archivos de configuración así como para cargar nuevo firmware. Perle está diseñado para eliminar molestias de configuración para todas las IOLAN en su red IP.
Conexiones serie a Ethernet Flexibles y Fiables
Un Console Server IOLAN SCG es idóneo para conectar aplicaciones de puerto COM basadas en serie y aplicaciones basadas en dispositivos UDP o TCP a dispositivos remotos. El redireccionador TruePort de Perle ofrece conexiones de puerto COM o TTY fijas a aplicaciones basadas en serie, lo que permite la comunicación con dispositivos remotos conectados a los IOLAN de Perle bien en modo cifrado o bien en modo de texto claro.
La Tecnología de paquetes TrueSerial® ofrece las conexiones serie a través de Ethernet más auténticas, y garantizan la integridad del protocolo serie.
También puede crear un túnel de datos serie entre dispositivos a través de una red IP.
Tecnología IP Avanzada
El IOLAN SCG es compatible con el protocolo IPv6, con lo que protege la inversión de las empresas y organizaciones gracias al cumplimiento de este estándar en rápido crecimiento.
La demanda de IPv6, que es compatible con esquemas de direccionamiento IPv4, se ve impulsada por la necesidad de disponer de más direcciones IP. Ante la implementación y el despliegue de redes móviles avanzadas, se necesita un método resistente que permita gestionar el inmenso influjo de nuevos dispositivos con capacidad de dirección IP en Internet. De hecho, el Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU. exige que todos los equipos adquiridos sean compatibles con IPv6. Asimismo, los principales sistemas operativos, como Windows, Linux, Unix y Solaris, además de los routers, cuentan con soporte incorporado para IPv6.
Por consiguiente, es importante que los usuarios finales e integradores seleccionen equipos de conexión a red que incorporen el estándar IPv6. La línea IOLAN, con soporte para IPv6 ya integrado, es la mejor opción en tecnología serie a Ethernet.
Más Razones por las que los modelos IOLAN SCG son la opción preferida:
- Velocidades de datos celulares hasta 100 Mbps
- Conexión de serie directa a peer de serie mediante redes celulares
- Gestión de consolas mediante equipo remoto a través de datos por red celular
- Funcionalidad de host principal/de respaldo que permite conexiones automáticas con hosts alternativos en el caso de que la conexión TCP principal esté fuera de servicio
- EasyPort Web – Acceso a los puertos de consola serie de su equipo mediante su navegador de Internet con capacidad Java.
- Acceso de navegador sin código Java a puertos de consola serie remota a través de Telnet y SSH.
- DNS Dinámico – Acceso sencillo a la administración de consolas desde cualquier lugar a través de Internet.
- Funciones de cumplimiento NERC CIP
Garantía de por Vida
Todos los modelos de servidores de consolas IOLAN SCG cuentan con el respaldo del mejor servicio y soporte del sector, incluida la garantía de por vida exclusiva de Perle. Desde 1976, Perle viene ofreciendo a sus clientes productos de conexión a red que proporcionan los máximos niveles de rendimiento flexibilidad y calidad. Con el Perle IOLAN SCG, desplegar y actualizar servicios y equipo nuevos, al mismo tiempo que se minimizan los gastos de capital, es fácil.
Funciones de Software - Servidor de Consola Seguro IOLAN SCG L
Management & Configuration
Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP): automates the provisioning of both the configuration and firmware files through DHCP/Bootp Options
PerleView Central Management: a web-based server configuration tool that simplifies setup and deployment and gives network managers visibility and control over network configurations at remote sites.
Management & Monitoring: HTTP/HTTPS, CLI/Piping, Telnet, SNMPv1/v2/v3, RESTful API, TACACS+
Multiple firmware versions can be saved on the unit. This allows the customer to change between older and newer firmware versions without the need to download.
Multiple configuration files can be stored on the unit., This allows the customer to easily switch between older and newer configurations during testing or production deployments.
Automatic check for software updates available over FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, and TFTP
LLDP-Link Layer Discovery Protocol, as per IEEE 802.1AB, is a neighbor discovery protocol that is used for network devices to advertise information about themselves to other devices on the network. This protocol runs over the data-link layer, which allows two systems running different network layer protocols to learn about each other via TLVs (Type-Length-Value).
RESTful API uses HTTP requests to access and use IOLAN statistics and configuration data. Any of the CLI commands can be executed through a RESTFul API script that can be controlled externally from a server.
Connectivity Watchdog can instruct the IOLAN to take different actions (i.e. reboot) if the network connectivity to a pre-define IP address is lost. This is helpful for situations when the IOLAN is deployed on remote locations hard to service if the network connectivity is lost.
Automatic DNS Update: Utilize DHCP Opt 81 to set IOLAN domain name for easy name management and with Dynamic DNS support, users on the Internet can access the device server by name without having to know its IP address. See Automatic DNS update support for details
Dynamic DNS with
Network Assist: This Windows-based desktop application helps busy IT managers configure and monitor the status of deployed Perle devices.
Remote Access
Dial, direct serial: PPP, PAP/CHAP, SLIP
HTTP tunneling enables firewall-safe access to remote serial devices across the internet
Automatic DNS update: Utilize DHCP Opt 81 to set IOLAN domain name for easy name management and with Dynamic DNS support, users on the Internet can access the device server by name without having to know its IP address.
IPSEC VPN client/servers: Microsoft IPSEC VPN Client, Cisco routers with IPSEC VPN feature set, Perle IOLAN SDS, SDG, STS, STG, SCS, SCG, and SCR models
OpenVPN: Clients & Servers
Logging, Reporting & Alerts
Email alert notification
Syslog, Event Type, Report Type, Alerts & Monitoring, Triggers Status Screen Report, Data Usage, Diagnostic, Login Banner
Accessing Console Management Ports (Serial & Ethernet)
Serial Protocols: PPP, PAP/CHAP, SLIP
Connect directly using Telnet / SSH by port and IP address
Use an internet browser to access with HTTP or secure HTTPS
Java-free browser access to remote serial console ports via Telnet and SSH
Multisession capability enables multiple users to access ports simultaneously
Console Management Functions
Local port buffer viewing - 256K bytes per port
External port buffering via NFS, encrypted NFS and Syslog
Event notification
Terminal Server Functions
SSH v1 and v2
Auto session login
LPD, RCP printer
MOTD - Message of the day
Serial to Ethernet functions
Raw serial data over TCP/IP
Raw serial data over UDP
Virtual modem simulates a modem connection - assign IP address by AT phone number
Virtual modem data can be sent over the Ethernet link with or without SSL encryption
TruePort com/tty redirector provides fixed TTY or COM ports to serial based applications enabling communication with remote devices connected to Perle IOLAN's either in encrypted or clear text modes.
TrueSerial packet technology provides the most authentic serial connections across Ethernet ensuring serial protocol integrity
RFC 2217 standard for transport of serial data and RS232 control signals
Customizable or fixed serial baud rates
Load Balancing
VPN Failover
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRPv3) enables a group of devices to form a single virtual device to provide network redundancy
Primary/Backup host functionality enables automatic connections to alternate hosts
Routing / Switching Protocols
The IOLAN can be configured for any of the major routing protocols for an easy integration within the data center Ethernet backbone: RIP/RIPNg, OSPFv3, BGP-4, NAT, IPv4/IPv6, Static Routing, IPv6 Encapsulations (GRE, 6in4), Port Routing, STP, MSTP
IPv6 to IPv4 translation is fully supported for environments where the Ethernet data backbone is run on IPv6 and the port management is run on IPv4
Using NAT for enhanced security, the IOLAN can map a single IP address, across all or several of it's Ethernet ports.
IP Applications
DDNS, DNS Proxy / Spoofing, relay, client, Opt. 82,
NTP & SNTP (versions 1, 2, 3, 4)
DHCP / DHCPv6 server / DHCP Snooping & BOOTP
VLAN, OpenVPN, VPN Failover (16 concurrent VPN tunnels)
Firewall Features
Ability to set up firewalls to restrict incoming and outgoing packets
Built in Zone-Based Policy Firewall for local security and traffic filtering.
Access Control Lists (list & ranges & time)
Filter based on MAC Address, IP, Port, Protocol, User
IEEE 802.1x Authentication and Port Security can be enabled for any Ethernet port for increased security port access.
Layer 2 MAC address filtering
Port Forwarding
BGP Communities
Security Features
AAA Security via remote authentication (Radius, TACACS+, & LDAP)
Trusted host filtering (IP filtering), allowing only those hosts that have been configured in the host table access to the router.
Ability to disable services (for example, Telnet, TruePort, Syslog, SNMP, Modbus, HTTP) for additional security
Ability to disable Ping responses
SSH client/server connections (SSH 1 and SSH 2). Supported ciphers are Blowfish, 3DES, AES-CBC, AES-CTR, AES-GMC, CAST, Arcfour and ChaCha20-Poly1305. Ability to individually disable network services that won’t be used by the SSH client/server connections.
SSL/TLS client/server data encryption (TLS v1.2)
SSL Peer authentication
SSL encryption: AES-GCM, key exchange ECDH-ECDSA, HMAC SHA256, SHA384
Encryption: AES (256/192/128), 3DES, DES, Blowfish, CAST128, ARCFOUR(RC4), ARCTWO(RC2)
Hashing Algorithms: MD5, SHA-1, RIPEMD160, SHA1-96, and MD5-96
Key exchange: RSA, EDH-RSA, EDH-DSS, ADH
VPN: OpenVPN & IPSec VPN (NAT Traversal, ESP authentication protocol)
Certificate Support (X.509)
Certificate authority (CA) list
Local database
RIP authentication (via password or MD5)
2 Factor (2F) Authentication over e-mail enhances administration access security
Management Access Control
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
Secure HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/Telnet Authentication Proxy
SNMP v3 Authentication and Encryption support
IP Address filtering
Disable unused daemons
Active Directory via LDAP
IPv6, IPv4, TCP/IP, Reverse SSH, SSH, SSL, IPSec/IPv4, IPSec/IPv6, IPSec, RIPV2/MD5, ARP, RARP, UDP, UDP Multicast, ICMP, BOOTP, DHCP, TFTP, SFTP, SNTP, Telnet, raw, reverse Telnet, LPD, RCP, DNS, Dynamic DNS, WINS, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SNMPV3, PPP, PAP/CHAP, SLIP, CSLIP, RFC2217, MSCHAP
Especificaciones de Hardware - Servidor de Consola Seguro IOLAN SCG L
1750 MIPS, 500 MHz core 32 bit ARM processor, with integrated hardware encryption processor
1000 MB
4000 MB
Interface Ports
Integrated Device Management Ports
2 x USB 3.0
Modular Device Management Ports
Create 18, 34, or 50-port SCG Console Servers using any combination of 16-port module cards to support all types of admin ports in one Console Management solution:
- IOLAN G16 RS232 Card: Interface Module with 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts
- IOLAN G16 USB Card: Interface Module with 16 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports.
- IOLAN G16 RS-Multi Card: Interface Module with 16 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces. RS485 Full and Half duplex
Sun / Solaris
Sun / Oracle ‘Solaris' Safe - no break signal
sent during power cycle causing costly server re-boots or downtime
Serial Port Speeds
300bps to 230Kbps with customizable baud rate support
Data Bits
Configurable for 5,6,7 or 8-bit protocol support
Use TruePort to transparently pass 9-bit serial data
Odd, Even, Mark, Space, None
Flow Control
Hardware, Software, Both, None
Serial Port Protection
15Kv Electrostatic Discharge Protection (ESD)
Local Console Ports
1 x RS232 RJ45
1 x Micro USB with DB9 adapter
- 2 x 10/100/1000Base-T RJ45 Copper
- 2 x 100/1000Base-X Fiber SFP Ports
- Note: Any combination of two network ports can be used.
- Software selectable Ethernet speed 10/100/1000, Auto
- Software selectable Half/Full/Auto duplex
Micro SD Card slot
Ethernet Isolation
1.5Kv Magnetic Isolation
Integrated Cellular Access
4G LTE with fallback networks - HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS
Antennae (Included)
Two multiband swivel-mount dipole antennae - SMA connectors
Cellular Data Rates
- 4G LTE (Cat. 3)
- DL: max. 100 Mbps, UL: max. 50 Mbps HSPA+ DL Cat.24
- DL: max. 42 Mbps, UL: max. 5.76 Mbps EDGE Class 12 data rates
- DL: max. 237 kbps, UL: max. 237 kbps GPRS Class 12 data rates
- DL: max. 85.6 kbps, UL: max. 85.6 kbps
SIM Card slot (empty)
Accepts Micro SIM (3FF) as per reference standards:
- ETSI TS 102 221 V9.0.0, Mini-UICC
- The SIM card must be obtained by the user from their carrier of choice
Front Panel LCD Display and Keyboard Indicators
- Network Link Activity
- Serial Tx/Rx data per port
LED Indicators
- System Ready
- Network Link Activity
Environmental Specifications
Heat Output (BTU/HR)
- IOLAN SCG18: 63.12
- IOLAN SCG34: 85.30
- IOLAN SCG50: 107.48
MTBF (Hours)
74,796 Hours
Calculation model based on MIL-HDBK-217-FN2 @ 30°C
Operating Temperature
0°C to 55°C, 32°F to 131°F
Storage Temperature
-40°C to 85°C, -40°F to 185°F
5 to 95% (non condensing) for both storage and operation.
SECC Zinc plated sheet metal (1 mm)
Ingress Protection Rating
1U - 19' rack, front and rear mounting hardware included
Regulatory Approvals
- FCC 47 Part 15 Subpart B Class A
- ICES-003 (Canada)
- EN55011 (CISPR11)
- EN55032 (CISPR32)
- EN61000-3-2 Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions
- EN61000-3-3 Limits of Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker
- EN55024
- EN 61000-4-2 (ESD): Contact:
- EN 61000-4-3 (RS):
- EN 61000-4-4 (EFT):
- EN 61000-4-5 (Surge):
- EN 61000-4-6 (CS):
- EN 61000-4-8 (PFMF)
- EN 61000-4-11
- UL/EN/IEC 62368-1 (previously 60950-1)
- CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1
Carrier Specific Approval
Cellular Radio
- EN 301 908-1
- EN 301 908-2
- EN 301 511
- 47 CFR Part 22
- 47 CFR Part 24
- EN 301 908-13
Cellular Data Technologies Supported
- Penta Band LTE: 700/700/850/AWS (1700/2100)/1900 MHz; FDD-Band (13,17,5,4,2)
- Tri Band UMTS (WCDMA): 850/AWS (1700/2100)/1900 MHz; FDD-Band (5,4,2)
- Quad Band GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
- Penta Band LTE: 800/900/1800/2100/2600 MHz;
- FDD-Band (20,8,3,7,1); Tri Band UMTS (WCDMA):
- 900/1800/2100 MHz; FDD-Band (8,3,1);
- Dual Band GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 900/1800 MH
- Reach, RoHS and WEEE Compliant
- ECCN - 5A992
- HTSUS Number: 8517.62.0020
- Perle Limited Lifetime warranty
Power Supply
Dual AC Models
- USA: IEC320-C13 to NEMA 5-15P line cord
- UK: IEC320-C13 to BS1363 line cord
- EU: IEC320-C13 to CEE 7/7 Schuko
- South Africa: IEC320-C13 to BS546 line cord
- Australia: IEC320-C13 to AS3112 line cord
Dual Feed DC Models
- Terminal Blocks with screw terminals accommodating 28 - 12 AWG wire sizes.
Nominal Input Voltage
Dual AC Models
110/230v AC
Dual Feed DC Models
48v DC
Input Voltage Range
Dual AC Models
100-240v AC
Dual Feed DC Models
24- 60v DC
AC Input Frequency
Dual AC Models
Dual Feed DC Models
Current Consumption
Dual AC Models
@ 100v (Amps)- IOLAN SCG18: 0.19
- IOLAN SCG34: 0.25
- IOLAN SCG50: 0.31
- IOLAN SCG18: 0.08
- IOLAN SCG34: 0.11
- IOLAN SCG50: 0.13
Dual Feed DC Models
@ 48v DC (Amps)- IOLAN SCG18: 0.19
- IOLAN SCG34: 0.25
- IOLAN SCG50: 0.31
Typical Power Consumption
18.5 Watts
*Note: USB cards can use an additional power of 2.5 Watts per port up to a max of 8 Watts total
Power Line Protection
Fast transients: 1 KV (EN61000-4-4 Criteria B)
Surge: 2KV (EN61000-4-5 common mode), 1KV (EN61000-4-5 differential and common modes)
Weight and Dimensions
Product Weight
Dual AC Models
- IOLAN SCG18: 3.30 kg / 7.27 lbs
- IOLAN SCG34: 3.47 kg / 7.65 lbs
- IOLAN SCG50: 3.64 kg / 8.02 lbs
Dual Feed DC Models
- IOLAN SCG18: 3.21 kg / 7.07 lbs
- IOLAN SCG34: 3.38 kg / 7.45 lbs
- IOLAN SCG50: 3.54 kg / 7.80 lbs
Product Dimensions
1U Rack form factor - 26.4 x 43.4 x 4.4 (cm), 10.38 x 17.1 x 1.75 (in)
Shipping Weight
Dual AC Models
- IOLAN SCG18: 4.24 kg / 9.35 lbs
- IOLAN SCG34: 4.41 kg / 9.72 lbs
- IOLAN SCG50: 4.58 kg / 10.10 lbs
Dual Feed DC Models
- IOLAN SCG18: 4.15 kg / 9.15 lbs
- IOLAN SCG34: 4.32 kg / 9.52 lbs
- IOLAN SCG50: 4.48 kg / 9.88 lbs
Shipping Dimensions
59 x 36 x 9 (cm), 23.22 x 14.17 x 3.54 (in)
IOLAN G16 RS232 Card RJ45 Serial Connector Pinout - DCE mode (Straight-through)

Not Used
IOLAN G16 RS232 Card RJ45 Serial Connector Pinout - DTE mode (Rolled)

IOLAN G16 RS-Multi Card RJ45 Serial Connector Pinout

EIA-485 Full Duplex
EIA-485 Half Duplex
Application Diagrams
Gestión de la Consola del Centro de Datos

Una conexión de dispositivo TCP RAW (sin procesar o en bruto) que puede iniciarse desde el dispositivo serie a Ethernet o desde el host/servidor remoto. Puede tratarse de una conexión de punto a punto o compartida, en la que un dispositivo serie es compartido por múltiples dispositivos. Las sesiones TCP pueden iniciarse desde la aplicación de servidor TCP o desde el adaptador serie a Ethernet IOLAN de Perle.

Cuando se utilizan con aplicaciones basadas en UDP, los IOLAN de Perle pueden convertir los datos de equipos serie para transportarlos a través de paquetes UDP, bien de punto a punto o bien de manera compartida por múltiples dispositivos.

Acceso de Consola
Para acceder a puertos de consola remotos de routers, conmutadores, etc., los IOLAN de Perle proporcionan a los administradores un acceso seguro a estos puertos RS232 mediante Telnet inverso / SSH dentro de banda o módems de acceso telefónico fuera de banda. Hay disponibles modelos IOLAN de Perle con módem integrado.

Los puertos serie pueden conectarse a servidores de red o estaciones de trabajo que ejecuten el software TruePort de Perle, que actúa como puerto COM virtual. Las sesiones pueden iniciarse desde el IOLAN de Perle o desde TruePort.

Creación de Túneles
La creación de túneles serie le permite establecer un enlace a través de Ethernet hasta un puerto serie situado en otro IOLAN. Ambos puertos serie de IOLAN deben estar configurados para creación de túnel serie (típicamente, uno de los puertos serie se configura como servidor de túnel y el otro, como cliente de túnel).

Módem virtual
Permite al IOLAN de Perle simular una conexión de módem. Cuando está conectado al IOLAN e inicia una conexión de módem, el IOLAN establece una conexión TCP con otro IOLAN configurado con un puerto serie de módem virtual o con un host que ejecute una aplicación TCP.

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IOLAN SCG18 R-LA Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG18 R-LAD Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG18 R-LE Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG18 R-LED Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG18 U-LA Console Server: 18 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG18 U-LE Console Server: 18 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG18 S-LA Console Server: 16 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG18 S-LAD Console Server: 16 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG18 S-LE Console Server: 16 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG18 S-LED Console Server: 16 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG34 R-LA Console Server: 32 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 R-LAD Console Server: 32 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG34 R-LE Console Server: 32 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 R-LED Console Server: 32 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG34 U-LA Console Server: 34 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 U-LE Console Server: 34 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 RU-LA Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 18 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 RU-LE Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 18 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 S-LA Console Server: 32 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 S-LAD Console Server: 32 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG34 S-LE Console Server: 32 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG34 S-LED Console Server: 32 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Expandable using IOLAN G16 Cards, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG50 R-LA Console Server: 48 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 R-LAD Console Server: 48 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG50 R-LE Console Server: 48 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 R-LED Console Server: 48 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG50 U-LA Console Server: 50 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 U-LE Console Server: 50 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 RRU-LA Console Server: 32 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 18 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 RRU-LE Console Server: 32 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 18 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 RUU-LA Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 34 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 RUU-LE Console Server: 16 x RS232 RJ45 interfaces with software configurable Cisco pinouts, 34 x USB 3.0 (Type-A) Console Management Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, IPv6, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 S-LA Console Server: 48 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 S-LAD Console Server: 48 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (America including AT&T and Verizon) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual Feed DC Power.

IOLAN SCG50 S-LE Console Server: 48 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual AC Power

IOLAN SCG50 S-LED Console Server: 48 x software selectable RS232/422/485 RJ45 interfaces, 2 x USB Ports, Front Panel Display and Keyboard, 2 x auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Ethernet Combo Ports (RJ45 or SFP), Cellular WWAN capability based on 4G LTE (ETSI Europe) with fallback networks (HSPA+, UMTS, EDGE and GPRS), Micro SD Card Slot, Micro USB and RS232 RJ45 Console Admin Ports, IPv4/IPv6 routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP), ZTP, REST / Python, Cloud-hosting, advanced data encryption, user authentication and event management security features included, COM port redirector, 15kv ESD, Dual Feed DC Power.
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